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Wij kunnen de fiets bezorgen binnen Den Haag voor € 35,00
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single speed / fixed gear
smooth transition from freewheel to fixed gear
short wheelbase for agile handling
sport geometry, high bottom bracket
integrated handlebar-stem combination
matching mudguards available
Dynamic, agile and the only “purebred” track bike with Gates Carbon Drive – for Hektor, velodrome and criterium are parade disciplines. The frame is built on a triple-butted aero tubeset and is particularly appreciated by Team Schindelhauer Gates for its high stiffness and good handling. Accordingly, riders with Hektor can frequently be found on the winners’ podiums of international races (e.g. Rad Race Last Woman Standing, German Fixed Crit Series and Montecatini Terme – Italian Fixed Cup as well as many other top 10 placings, e.g. at the Red Hook Crit Brooklyn).
Off the race track, Hektor is also becoming increasingly popular in the urban jungle. In addition to excellent riding characteristics, Hektor stands for the perfection of the characteristic Schindelhauer design by refining weld seams through elaborate smoothing. In this new generation,
Pedals are not included in the delivery of Hektor as standard. The Schindelhauer Urban Pedals (€ 69,00) and matching pedal straps (€ 25,00) are optionally available.